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Friday, June 30, 2006
Resources for teaching PDHPE
Resources for
Personal Development, Health & Physical Education (PDHPE) Teachers K- 6
Personal Development, Health & Physical Education (PDHPE) Teachers K- 6
PDHPE is one of the six key learning areas in the Australian NSW primary curriculum. It is concerned with developing in students the knowledge and understanding, skills, values and attitudes that will enable them to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. The subject matter of PDHPE K- 6 is organised into eight interrelated strands consisting of: Dance, Games and Sports, Gymnastics, Growth and Development, Interpersonal Relationships, Safe Living, Personal Health Choices and Active Lifestyle. There are also five essential skills that students should also develop from PDHPE. They are: communication, decision making, interacting, moving and problem solving.
Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER)
ACHPER is a professional association representing professionals working in the fields of health, physical education, human movement studies, sport, recreation, dance and community fitness. This site has close links to the educational system and schools. Teachers can utilise ACHPER locally and nationally for support in terms of new curriculum resources, new ideas to promote active and healthy living and professional training and development.
Sports Media: Physical Education and Sports for Everyone
The Sports Media site is a meeting point for all organisations, associations and teams who are involved in Sports and PE. As a member of the World-Wide Internet PE & Sports Organization they guarantee a speakers corner for everyone, everywhere. Sports Media will also assist with lesson plans, coaching tips and sports from all around the world.
Board of Studies: PDHPE K-6 Syllabus
The aim of the PDHPE K-6 Syllabus is to develop in each student for the ages of Kindergarten to Year 6, the knowledge and understanding, skills and values and attitudes needed to lead healthy, active and fulfilling lives. It also provides schools with a curriculum framework for teaching and learning related to the health priorities for young people of drug education, fitness and physical activity, child protection and nutrition.
Every kid deserves to be healthy
Good food habits and daily physical activity – if your child has these, they're well on the way to a healthy life. But achieving this isn't always so simple. This website shows you how to do it and links you to many other sites on this important topic. Check out Useful Links for more resources in this site.
Purchasing of Resources:
NSW Department of Education and Training: Public Schools NSW
Various books distributed for PDHPE teachers for units of work for K-6 which facilitate the systematic learning of skills and understandings. Fourteen books covering all aspects of the PDHPE syllabus strands.
Education Bookstore: PDHPE Zone
PDHPE Zone Stage 4 is a series of four new booklets written by experienced NSW PDHPE teachers. It is relevant to the Physical Education and Health syllabuses in all states. Each booklet is supported by a Teacher CD that provides models for the integration of the four books as well as a range of worksheets covering literacy, numeracy, technology and practical skills.
Lesson Plans:
Dance Lesson Plans:
PE Central provides a site for teachers to view many dance lesson plans ranging primarily for K-6. You can sort via styles of dance or view primarily all dance plans. The ability to submit dance plans are available as well as converse with other teachers about teaching dance.
Games and Sport Lesson Plans:
A way to increase active time in lessons with a focus on games is to select minor games which require high activity levels. You probably already use a range of minor games in your PDHPE lessons. These are great for getting students involved in the lesson and focus on fun and enjoyment.
Gymnastic Lesson Plans:
An array of Gymnastic lesson plans designed to suit all skill levels and ages. Teachers can choose a lesson on how to teach specialised Gymnastic skills such as the Stadler Handstand, Balance Beam or High Bar drills. Don't forget to visit the site labelled non-traditional gymnastics.
Growth and Development Lesson Plans:
Visit Lesson Plan Central web site and take straight into your classroom lesson plans on Growth and Development. Various lessons looking at the stages of infancy up to early adolescence, systems of the body and how the science of laughter can enhance our social, mental and physical well being.
Interpersonal Relationship Lesson Plans:
Discussion Questions, Writing Assignments, and Student Activities for Character Education and Life Skills. View lesson plans on developing a respect for others, dealing with pressures and getting along with parents.
Safe Living Lesson Plans:
In addition to Risk Watch's age-appropriate lesson plans in every module, we've created interactive activities to use in your classroom. The following lesson plans are categorized by Risk Watch grade levels, but some activities may be appropriate for several age groups, so "click around" and explore all of your options!
Personal Health Choice Lesson Plans:
The Alabama Learning Centre provides a site of lesson plans that define a personal health goal, identify how personal health choices are influenced by peers, media, family and the community as well as recognise activities and behaviours that encourage healthy family living.
Active Lifestyle Lesson Plans:
Lessons to promote personal fitness and a healthy lifestyle. Choose lessons plans for K to Gr 7. Plus various other links and resource suggestions for teachers.
Fundamental Movement Skills
Students need to master certain fundamental movement skills if they are to enjoy the wide range of physical activities, sports and recreational pursuits offered in our communities. The following professional development sections allow you to gain an understanding of each skill and look at practical suggestions to incorporate these skills into your PDHPE and sport programs.
Static balance
Sprint run
Vertical Jump
Side gallop
Overarm throw
Two-hand strike
Teachers Sharing Ideas:
Teachers Forum: PDHPE Billboard
An online message system enabling PDHPE teachers to converse and share ideas with other teachers or professionals in specialised areas. A list of email addresses with subject of interest and date posted is supplied.